12 years and up
Recommended Age
12 years and up
Country Of Origin
The Truth Oracle
The Truth Oracle Cards Deck: This Oracle deck boasts 54 one-of-a-kind beautiful cards that can'
t be found anywhere else. Gain insightful answers to your daily questions with this exclusive collection.
Clarity for Life'
s Complex Questions: Beyond answering the "
Yes or No"
question, each tarot card carries deeper meanings, making it a versatile tool for addressing life, love, career, relationships, and more. Gain clarity in all aspects of your life journey.
Durable Craftsmanship: Crafted from premium 350gsm foiled paper, our cards are built to last. Enjoy the tactile sensation of quality while using these cards for years to come.
A Unique Twist on Tarot: The "
Truth Oracle"
adds a fresh perspective to your tarot cards readings. Dive into the world of unique role to uncover hidden insights and solutions to life'
s challenges.
Explore, Reflect, and Grow: Whether you'
re a seasoned tarot reader or a newcomer, our deck offers a rich, insightful journey of self-discovery.