There are 4 colors in one set, red, yellow, green, blue. These specimens are intended for biological research and are intended for use with children's microscopes, In red color, you can find butterfly wing, butterfly antenna, butterfly leg, locust wing, locust antenna, locust leg, dragonfly wing, dragonfly abdomen, dragonfly leg, honeybee wing, honeybee antenna and honeybee leg. In green color, you will see celery leaf, corn stem, lotus root, cabbage leaf, pumpkin ovary, ginger root, onion epidermis, burdock root, carrot root, cucumber ovary, sponge gourd stem and potato starch. In yellow color, there are dandelion fuzz, carnation stem, tulip pollen, laver, lily pollen, camellia pollen, sunflower pollen, bamboo cane, phlox leaf, pine tree stem, veins of holy leaf and agar. In blue color, there exist goldfish scale, sardine scale, plankton egg, canary feather, rabbit hair, cat hair, horse hair, cow hair, sheep hair, fowl feather, duck feather and pigeon feather.