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OFFICIALLY LICENSED NUMBERBLOCKS TOYS: Join all the numbery fun as you play along with Numberblocks One to Ten and friends in Numberblocks Playing Cards!
MATH GAMES FOR KIDS AGES 3-5: Packed with opportunities to practice early math concepts, this versatile set features beloved characters from the global hit TV series on oversized playing cards designed for little hands.
FUN COUNTING TOYS: Children will delight in familiar game play and discover new ways to learn as they identify, compare, sequence, and add numbers again and again.
PRESCHOOL CARD GAMES: 6 games in one deck! Use this deck of cards to play easy-to-learn games with a Numberblocks twist! The included Guide includes instructions for: Who Am I?, Only Five Can Stop the Train, Terrible Twos (Old Maid), Ten Friends (Go Fish), I'm Bigger Than You!, and Are We All in Order (Trash)!
NUMBERBLOCKS CHARACTER PLAYING CARDS: Includes 54 Numberblocks Cards featuring Numberblocks Zero to Ten (4 each) and Number Friends Blockzee (4 each), Big Tum (4 each), and the Terrible Twos (2 each)! Also includes a Getting Started Guide that includes 6 games!